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Bidding during the period(First release)

Implementation Bureau
Tokyo National Tax Bureau
Valuation amount
900,000 yen
Auction method
Bidding during the period
Auction Announcement No.
No. 18
Auction Deposit
100,000 yen
Sales Category Number
How to provide auction deposit
Cash, etc.
Bidding period
September 17, 2020 9:00 am to September 26, 2020 5:00 pm
Bidding Location
Tokyo National Tax Bureau
Deadline for submission of necessary documents (for electronic bidding)
September 24, Reiwa 6, 5:00 PM
Auction deposit payment deadline
September 24, Reiwa 6, 5:00 PM
Tender opening date
October 1, 2020, 10:00 AM
Tender opening location
Tokyo National Tax Bureau
Payment deadline for purchase price
October 22, Reiwa 6, 3:00 PM
Date and time of sale decision
October 22, 2020, 10:00 AM
Location of sale decision
Tokyo National Tax Bureau
Additional bidding period
From 9:00 am on October 8, 2020 to 5:00 pm on October 15, 2020
Additional bid opening date
October 18, Reiwa 6, 10:00 AM
Tender opening location
Tokyo National Tax Bureau
Payment deadline for purchase price
November 5, 2020 at 3:00 pm
Date and time of sale decision
November 5, 2020, 10:00 AM
Location of sale decision
Tokyo National Tax Bureau
Residence indication, etc.
千叶县山武市埴谷 2279 番地 8
JR(东日本)总武本线日向站西北约 2.8 公里
Total area (land area)
1,556.80m2(470.9 坪)
Main land use
Residential land

Detailed information (individual)

Property Number
Location (as shown in the registration book)
千叶县山武市埴谷字别户谷 2279 番 1
Land use (registration book shows)
Public roads
Area (as shown in the registration book)
1,438m2(435.0 坪)
Foundation and terrain
Generally flat
Road conditions
东南侧宽约 5.5 米的铺装私人道路(对象物件 1·建筑基准法上的道路)
约 0.3 米高的接口
对象物件 2 杂草丛生
144709 分之 3546
Since the auction is conducted as is, please participate in the auction with a full understanding of the following general matters.
1. 请事先确认拍卖财产的现状和相关公共账簿等。
2. Even if the auctioned property is unsuitable in type or quality, the executing agency (the state) shall not bear any guarantee liability.
3. 执行机关(国家)不承担交付拍卖财产的义务,因此,对于使用者或占有者的腾出请求以及房地产内的动产处理等,均由买受人负责。
4. 请与相邻土地所有者协商土地边界,与道路所有者协商道路(私人道路)的使用。
5. No professional investigations on soil contamination and asbestos were conducted.

In addition, in the case of multiple properties within the sales classification number (including the case where there is one property but different owners), they will be auctioned by collective evaluation in accordance with Article 89, Paragraph 3 of the National Tax Collection Act.


Detailed information (individual)

Property Number
Location (as shown in the registration book)
千叶县山武市埴谷字别户谷 2279 番 8
Land use (registration book shows)
Residential land
Area (as shown in the registration book)
118.80m2(35.9 坪)

Detailed information (common)

Public law provisions
Special Matters
对象物件 1 有电线杆
Other matters
The decision to sell the auction property will be made based on the bid price of the highest bidder.

Consultation on property auctions

Consulting Object
Tokyo National Tax Bureau
咨询时,请在开标日(令和 6 年 10 月 1 日)和出售区分编号(3464-1)的基础上进行查询。
Name of responsible department
Special summary of the second lesson
postal code
5-3-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku
telephone number
3305, 3306, 3307
Telephone reception hours
Weekdays 9:00am to 5:00pm
Last modified: August 22, 2024