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Bidding during the period(Second sale)Price reduction of 210,000 yen

Implementation Bureau
Kanto Shinetsu National Taxation Bureau
Valuation amount
280,000 yen
Sales Method
Bidding during the period
Sales Announcement No.
No. 14
Selling Margin
Sales Category Number
Bidding period
From 9:00 am on October 28, 2020 to 5:00 pm on November 6, 2020
Bidding Location
Kanto Shinetsu National Taxation Bureau or sales information homepage https://www.koubai.nta.go.jp
Deadline for submission of necessary documents (for electronic bidding)
November 1, 2020 at 5:00 PM
Tender opening date
November 12, 2020, 10:00 AM
Tender opening location
Kanto Shinetsu National Taxation Bureau
Purchase price payment deadline
December 3, Reiwa 6, 2:00 PM
Sale decision date and time
December 3, 2020, 9:00 AM
Sale decision location
Kanto Shinetsu National Taxation Bureau
Additional bidding period
From 9:00 am on November 18, 2020 to 5:00 pm on November 20, 2020
Additional bid opening date
November 22, 2020, 10:00 AM
Tender opening location
Kanto Shinetsu National Taxation Bureau
Purchase price payment deadline
December 3, Reiwa 6, 2:00 PM
Sale decision date and time
December 3, 2020, 9:00 AM
Sale decision location
Kanto Shinetsu National Taxation Bureau
Residence indication, etc.
埼玉县春日部市饭沼 714 番 2
东武铁道野田线(东武城市公园线)南樱井站东南约 1.9 公里
Total area (land area)
509m2(154.0 坪)
Main land use

Detailed information (individual)

Property Number
Location (as shown in the registration book)
埼玉县春日部市饭沼字新屋敷 714 番 2
Land use (registration book shows)
Area (as shown in the registration book)
509m2(154.0 坪)
Site and terrain
Road conditions
东南侧 宽度约 2.0 米 未铺设城市道路 约 0.2 米低位接口
(通过宽度约 1.0 米的水道)
宽度约 0.5 米 未铺设道路 约 0.2 米低位接口
A third party is farming.
Management status

Detailed information (common)

Public law provisions
Urbanization adjustment area
Agricultural promotion area Agricultural area
Kasukabe City Landscape Ordinance
春日部市灾害地图(利根川洪水预计淹没深度约 3.0 至 5.0 米以下)
Special Matters
1. Qualifications and other requirements for purchasers
Regarding farmland, it is necessary to submit a "Certificate of Eligibility to Purchase".
2. After the authorities seized the property, the right of use was established in accordance with the Act to Promote the Strengthening of Agricultural Business Infrastructure.
Contract period: January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
3. The village collects taxes every year from the bad water road land improvement area.
目前没有未缴纳的赋课金(截至令和 6 年 3 月 22 日)。
If the tax is not paid, it will be inherited by the purchaser.
For more details, please contact the Shonai Waterway Improvement District (Tel: 048-745-1045).
4. 葛西用恶水路土地改良区每年征收赋课金。
目前没有未缴纳的赋课金(截至令和 6 年 5 月 23 日)。
If the tax is not paid, it will be inherited by the purchaser.
详情请咨询葛西用恶水路土地改良区(电话 0480-47-3811)。
Other matters
The decision to sell the property will be made based on the bid amount of the highest bidder.
1. 出售财产的面积等是根据登记簿上的内容。请事先确认其现状及相关登记簿等。
2. Even if the type or quality of the property being sold is unsuitable, the executing agency (the state) shall not assume any liability for guarantee, etc.
3. 执行机关(国家)不承担交付出售财产的义务,因此,对于使用者或占有人的腾出要求以及不动产内的动产处理等,都将由购买人负责进行。
4. Please consult with the adjacent landowners regarding the boundaries of the land, and with the road owner regarding the use of connecting roads (private roads).
5. No professional investigations were conducted on soil contamination or asbestos.

Contact details for property sales enquiries

Consulting Contact Information
Kanto Shinetsu National Taxation Bureau
咨询时,请在开标日(令和 6 年 11 月 12 日)和出售区分编号(1773-1)的基础上进行查询。
Name of responsible department
Special summary of the second lesson
postal code
Saitama City Chuo-ku Shintoshin 1-1 Saitama Shintoshin Joint Government Building No. 1
telephone number
Telephone reception hours
Weekdays 9:00am to 5:00pm

Past sales

49 万日元(2019.10.03 结束)
×️The selling history of this property

49 万日元(2019.10.03 结束)
This time
28 万日元(截至 2024.11.06)
Last modified: August 11, 2024