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Bidding during the period (Second sale)

Implementation Bureau
Nagoya National Tax Bureau
Estimated value
910,000 yen
Auction method
Bidding during the period
Auction Announcement No.
No. 06
Auction Deposit
100,000 yen
Sales District Number
How to provide auction deposit
Cash, etc.
Bidding period
From 9:00 am on October 18, 2020 to 5:00 pm on October 31, 2020
Bidding Location
Nagoya National Tax Bureau
Deadline for submission of necessary documents (for electronic bidding)
October 29, Reiwa 6, 5:00 PM
Auction deposit payment deadline
October 29, Reiwa 6, 5:00 PM
Tender opening date
November 5, 2020, 10:00 AM
Tender opening location
Nagoya National Tax Bureau
Payment deadline for purchase price
November 26, Reiwa 6, 2:00 PM
Date and time of sale decision
November 26, 2020 at 11:00 AM
Location of sales decisions
Nagoya National Tax Bureau
Residence indication, etc.
新潟县新潟市中央区沼垂东 1 丁目 7 番 1
JR(东日本)信越本线 新潟站 步行约 14 分钟
Total area (land area)
2(49.0 坪)
Main landforms
Residential land

Detailed information (individual)

Property Number
Location (registration information)
新潟县新潟市中央区沼垂东一丁目 425 番
Land registration (contents shown in the registration book)
Residential land
Area (indicated in the registration book)
2(49.0 坪)
Site and terrain
Generally flat
Connection status
西侧 宽度约 10 米铺设县道 大致等高接面

南侧 宽度约 3 米铺设市道 大致等高接面

根据第三方乙的申请,建筑物目前未被使用。(截至令和 6 年 6 月 20 日)
Things to note
Auctions are conducted on an as is basis, so please fully understand the following general matters before bidding.

・For auctioned property, please confirm its current status (rights relationship, etc.) and relevant registration books in advance. In addition, the government cannot provide relevant information.

· Drawings may differ from the actual situation.


· Even if the auctioned property is not suitable in type or quality, the state does not assume any guarantee responsibility, etc.


・Please consult with the neighboring landowners regarding the boundaries of the land, and consult with the road owner regarding the use of the connecting road (private road).



・There may be cases where value restrictions (procedures after bidding are stopped) are imposed according to laws and regulations.

Before the buyer pays the purchase price, if it is proven that the national taxes related to the auctioned property have been paid, the sale decision will be cancelled.

· The costs related to the transfer of rights (registration license tax related to transfer registration, mailing costs of the registration power of attorney, etc.) shall be borne by the buyer.
Filing of statements, etc.

暴力团成员等是指暴力团成员(根据《暴力团成员不当行为防止等相关法律》(平成 3 年法律第 77 号)第 2 条第 6 号规定的暴力团成员。以下相同。)或自成为暴力团成员之日起未超过 5 年的人。





Detailed information (common)

Public law provisions
Urbanized area


建筑密度 80% 容积率 300%

Special Matters
拍卖财产是共有者 5 名中的 1 名的共有份额 6 分之一的拍卖。
Other matters
The sale decision of the auction property will be made based on the bid price of the highest bidder.

Contact details for inquiries regarding auction properties

Consulting Contact Information
Nagoya National Tax Bureau

咨询时,请说明开标日期(令和 6 年 11 月 5 日)和销售分区编号(898-1)。
Name of responsible department
Special arrangement part 1
postal code
Nagoya Second National Tax Office Building, 3-2-4 San-no-maru, Naka-ku, Nagoya
telephone number
Telephone Acceptance Hours
Weekdays 9:00am to 5:00pm

Past sales

91 万日元(2024.01.10 中止)
The selling history of this property

91 万日元(2024.01.10 中止)
This time
91 万日元(截至 2024.10.31)
Last modified: July 31, 2024