;Open Apple Maps to view the exact location of the project>>;
Special Sale ()
- Jurisdictional Court
- Niigata District Court Niaoka Branch
- Case Number
- Reiwa 05 (ケ) No. 21
- Selling base price
- 680,000 yen
- Purchase application margin
- 136,000 yen
- Available price
- 544,000 yen
Property Overview
- location
- 2817 Inariyama, Matsunami 2-chome, Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture
- Evaluate traffic
- JR 越后线“东柏崎”站东北方向约 2.3km(道路距离)
- Reference traffic
- JR 越后线 西中通站西方 1.81km
- Land Area
- 200m 2 (60.5 ping)
- Land
- farmland
- Use area
- The first type of area dedicated to medium and high-rise residential buildings (apartments or apartment buildings can be built)
- Property Number
- 1. Land (farmland)
Property Details
- Property Number
- 1
- type
- Land (farmland)
- location
- No. 2817, Inariyama, Matsunami 2-chome, Kashiwazaki City
- Land registration
- farmland
- Land area (registered)
- 200m 2 (60.5 ping)
- Use area
- The first type of area dedicated to medium and high-rise residential buildings (apartments or apartment buildings can be built)
- Land use status
- space
- Building rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Bidding Qualifications
- 关于农田和采草放牧地的购买申请,仅限于拥有都道府县知事或农业委员会等颁发的购买资格证明的人。此外,当这些人成为最高价格购买申请人等时,在出售决定日期之前,必须向执行法院提交都道府县知事等颁发的许可证明文件或提交受理证明文件。关于购买资格证明的获取等,请向管辖该农田等的都道府县事务所或农业委员会等咨询。
- Precautions
- 本详细信息页面的内容,请务必下载物业资料 3 件套(物业明细书、现状调查报告书及评估书等)进行确认(有民事执行法第 63 条第 2 项第 1 号的申请等情况)。从本系统下载的“现状调查报告书”及“评估书”中引用的照片、资料及图纸,在本系统上可能未附上。
Sales Schedule
- Special sale browsing start date
- October 11, 2024 (Friday)
- Special sale period
- 2024 年 10 月 15 日(星期二)~10 月 21 日(星期一)
- state
- Browse
- schedule
- Annual sales schedule/Niigata District Court Nagaoka Branch
Past Sales
- 1st time
- 2.13 million yen (unsold as of 2023.12.14)
- 2nd time
- 2.13 million yen (unsold as of 2023.12.22)
- 3rd time
- 1.28 million yen (unsold as of April 18, 2024)
- 4th
- 1.28 million yen (unsold as of April 26, 2024)
- No. 5
- 68 万日元 (2024.10.10 未售出)