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Bidding during the period (First release)
- Implementation Bureau
- Nagoya National Tax Bureau
- Valuation amount
- 10,330,000 日元
- Auction method
- Bidding during the period
- Auction Announcement No.
- No. 03
- Auction Deposit
- 2,000,000 yen
- Sales Category Number
- 963-1
- How to provide auction deposit
- Cash, etc.
- Bidding period
- From 9:00 am on August 8, 2020 to 5:00 pm on August 22, 2020
- Bidding Location
- Nagoya National Tax Bureau
- Deadline for submission of necessary documents (for electronic bidding)
- August 20, 2019 at 5:00 pm
- Auction deposit payment deadline
- August 20, 2019 at 5:00 pm
- Tender opening date
- August 27, 2020, 10:00 AM
- Tender opening location
- Nagoya National Tax Bureau
- Purchase price payment deadline
- September 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm
- Date and time of sale decision
- September 17, 2020 at 11:00 AM
- Location of sale decision
- Nagoya National Tax Bureau
- Address, etc.
- 三重县南牟娄郡纪宝町井田 958 番地 7
- Transportation
- JR (东海) 纪势本线 纪伊井田站 步行 约 10 分钟
- Area (Land Area) Total
2 (40.6 ping) - Main landforms
- Homestead
- Total floor area
2 (45.5 pings)
Detailed information (individual)
- Property Number
- 1
- Type (registration information)
- Residential
- Location (registration information)
- 三重县南牟娄郡纪宝町井田字荒堀 958 番地 7
- House number (indicated in the registration book)
- 958 番 7
- Structure (registration information)
- Wooden slate roof 2-story building
- Building area (registered contents)
1 楼 92.07m
2 (27.9 pings)
2 楼 58.40m
2 (17.7 pings) - Site and terrain
- Generally flat
- Connection status
- 东侧 宽度约 5.2 米的铺装镇道 大致等高接面
- Usage
・拍卖财产 1 是平成 24 年 1 月 11 日新建的 (根据登记)。
・令和 6 年 1 月 16 日现在,拍卖财产由拍卖财产所有者使用。 - Things to note
Since the auction is conducted on an as-is basis, please bid with a full understanding of the following general matters.
・关于拍卖财产,请事先确认其现状 (权利关系等) 及相关登记簿等。此外,国家无法提供相关资料。
・The drawings may differ from the actual situation.
・关于土地边界,请与相邻土地所有者协商,关于接面道路 (私道) 的使用,请与道路所有者协商。
・The auction process may be suspended, so please ask in advance whether the auction will be suspended.
・There may be cases where the value is restricted (procedures after bidding are stopped) due to laws and regulations.
・与权利转移相关的费用 (转移登记相关的登记许可税、登记委托书的邮寄费用等) 将由买受人承担。 - Filing of statements, etc.
・打算投标的人 (如果该人是法人,则包括其官员,以下称为“投标人等”) 需要提交一份陈述书,表明其不是暴力团成员等。如果没有提交陈述书或陈述书不完整,则投标将无效。
暴力团成员等是指暴力团成员 (根据《防止暴力团成员不当行为等相关法律》(平成 3 年法律第 77 号) 第 2 条第 6 号规定的暴力团成员。下同) 或自不再是暴力团成员之日起未满 5 年的人。
此外,如果投标人等或在其计算中打算投标的人是法人,则需要提交一份证明法人官员的文件 (如商业登记簿相关的登记事项证明等)。
此外,如果投标人等或在其计算中打算投标的人是住宅建筑交易业或债权管理回收业的经营者,则需要提交一份证明其已获得许可等的文件 (如住宅建筑交易业的许可证等) 的副本。
Detailed information (individual)
- Property Number
- 2
- category
- land
- Location (registration information)
- 三重县南牟娄郡纪宝町井田字荒堀 958 番 7
- Land registration (registration book content)
- Homestead
- Area (registered contents)
2 (40.6 ping)
Detailed information (common)
- Public law provisions
- Outside the urban planning area
- Special Matters
・关于拍卖财产 1,根据《消费税法施行令》第 70 条之 12 第 5 项的规定,名古屋国税局将根据买受人的要求交付合格请求书。
估价金额中拍卖财产 1 的价值比例为 14.45%。
・根据法务局准备的公图,拍卖财产 2 是地番 958 番 6、958 番 8、958 番 9、958 番 10、958 番 11、958 番 12、958 番 22、958 番 24 及 958 番 25 与笔界未定地。
此外,上述笔界未定地中拍卖财产 2 的位置和形状不明。
・拍卖财产将根据《国税征收法》第 89 条第 3 项的规定,通过一次性价值转换的方式进行拍卖。 - Other matters
- The decision to sell the auction property will be made based on the bid price of the highest bidder.
Contact details for inquiries regarding auction properties
- Consulting Contact Information
- Nagoya National Tax Bureau
咨询时,请说明开标日期 (令和 6 年 8 月 27 日) 和出售区分编号 (963-1)。 - Name of responsible department
- Special arrangement part 1
- postal code
- 460-8520
- location
- Nagoya Second National Tax Office Building, 3-2-4 San-no-maru, Naka-ku, Nagoya
- telephone number
- 052-951-3511
- Inside
- 6613
- Telephone Acceptance Hours
- Weekdays 9:00am to 5:00pm