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Special Sales ()
- Jurisdictional Court
- Tsu District Court Headquarters
- Case Number
- Reiwa 05 (ケ) No. 38
- Sales base price
- 37,320,000 日元
- Purchase application margin amount
- 7,464,000 yen
- Available price
- 29,856,000 日元
Property Overview
- location
- 三重县松阪市五十铃町 15 番地
- Evaluate traffic
JR“松阪”站 南西方 直线距离 约 560m~570m
近铁山田线“松阪”站 南西方 直线距离 约 560m~570m - Reference traffic
近铁山田线 东松阪站 北西方 1.36km
JR 纪势本线 德和站 北西方 2.71km - Building Area
- 66m 2 (20.0 ping)
- Land area (total)
- 505.76m 2 (153.0 坪)
- Apartment Type
- –
- type
- 仓库·休息处
- Use area
- 商业区域(可建造包括风俗店在内的几乎所有商业设施)
- Property Number
- 1, 3. Land
- 2, 4. 建筑物(所有权)
Property Details
- Property Number
- 1
- category
- land
- location
- 松阪市五十铃町 15 番
- Land use (registration)
- Residential land
- Land area (registered)
- 229.58m 2 (69.4 pings)
- Use area
- 商业区域(可建造包括风俗店在内的几乎所有商业设施)
- Building coverage
- 80%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 400%
- Property Number
- 2
- category
- building
- location
- 松阪市五十铃町 15 番地
- House Number
- 15 番
- Type(Registration)
- 仓库·休息处
- Structure (registration)
- 镀锌钢板屋顶的 2 层钢结构
- Building area (registered)
1 层 27.50m 2 (8.3 ping)
2 层 38.50m 2 (11.6 pings) - Apartment Type
- other
- Land use rights
- ownership
- Possessor
- Debtor and Owner
- Construction year
- 平成 7 年 6 月(1995 年·建造 29 年)
- Property Number
- 3
- category
- land
- location
- 松阪市凑町 261 番
- Land use (registration)
- Residential land
- Land area (registered)
- 276.18m 2 (83.5 坪)
- Use area
- 商业区域(可建造包括风俗店在内的几乎所有商业设施)
- Building coverage
- 80%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 400%
- Property Number
- 4
- category
- building
- location
- 松阪市凑町 261 番地
- House Number
- 261 番
- Type(Registration)
- 餐厅
- Structure (registration)
- Reinforced concrete flat roof 3-storey building
- Building area (registered)
1 层 203.72m 2 (61.6 pings)
2 层 173.02m 2 (52.3 pings)
3 层 121.79m 2 (36.8 pings) - Apartment Type
- other
- Land use rights
- ownership
- Possessor
- Debtor and Owner
- Construction year
- 平成 14 年 1 月(2002 年·建造 22 年)
- Precautions
- 关于本详细信息页面的内容,请务必下载房产资料 3 件套(房产明细书、现状调查报告及评估书等)进行确认(如有民事执行法第 63 条第 2 项第 1 号的申报等情况)。从本系统下载的“现状调查报告”及“评估书”中引用的照片、资料及图纸,在本系统上可能未附上。
Sales Schedule
- Special sale browsing start date
- July 26, 2024 (Friday)
- Special sales period
- 仅 2024 年 8 月 9 日(星期五)
- state
- Browse
- schedule
- Annual sales schedule/Tsu District Court Headquarters
Past Sales
- first
- 3732 万日元(2024.07.25 未售出)
Source: Court BIT Real Estate Auction Property Information