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Bidding during the period (First Release)
- Jurisdictional Court
- Kyoto District Court Main Office
- Case Number
- 令和 06 年(ケ)第 103 号
- Sales base price
- 10,510,000 日元
- Purchase application margin amount
- 2,102,000 日元
- Available price
- 8,408,000 日元
Object Overview
- location
- 京都府城阳城市市边城下 5 番地 17、76 番地 5、77 番地 5
- Traffic on Assessment
- JR 奈良线「山城青谷」站 东方 道路距离 约 850m
- Reference traffic
- 奈良线 山城多贺站 北方 1.30km
- Building Area
- 192.03m² (58.1 坪)
- Land area (total)
- 631.40m² (191.0 坪)
- Apartment Type
- –
- type
- Residential
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Object Number
- 1〜9. 土地
- 10〜11. 建筑物 (所有权)
Object Details
- Object Number
- 1
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 5 番 17
- Land registration
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 158.26m² (47.9 坪)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 2
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 5 番 22
- Land registration
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 109.49m² (33.1 坪)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 3
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 5 番 23
- Land registration
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 21.08m² (6.4 坪)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 4
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 76 番 5
- Land registration
- Forest
- Land purpose (current situation)
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 41m² (12.4 ping)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 5
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 76 番 6
- Land registration
- Forest
- Land purpose (current situation)
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 23m² (7.0 ping)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 6
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 77 番 1
- Land registration
- Forest
- Land purpose (current situation)
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 229m² (69.3 ping)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 7
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 77 番 4
- Land registration
- Forest
- Land purpose (current situation)
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 26m² (7.9 ping)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 8
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 77 番 5
- Land registration
- Forest
- Land purpose (current situation)
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 23m² (7.0 ping)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 9
- type
- land
- location
- 城阳城市中中山 119 番 2
- Land registration
- Homestead
- Land area (registered)
- 0.57m² (0.2 坪)
- Area of use
- 城市化调整区域 (抑制城市化,包括再建筑在内的许多建筑限制)
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Object Number
- 10
- type
- building
- location
- 城阳城市市边城下 5 番地 17、76 番地 5、77 番地 5
- House Number
- 5 番 17 の 3
- Type(Registration)
- Residential
- Structure (registration)
- Wooden slate roof 2-story building