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Buy it now(6th sale)
- Object Number
- 105
- location
- 宫城县东松岛市美空 2-3-4
- Current land use (registered land use)
- Residential land (residential land)
- area
- 625.04m2(189.1 ping)
- Area of use
- 工业地域(无论危险性和对环境的影响如何,都可以建造工厂)
- Building coverage ratio/floor area ratio (%)
- 60/200
- Sales amount (yen)
- 7,090,000
Object details
- transportation
- JR 仙石线 陆前赤井站
- location
- 宫城县东松岛市美空 2 丁目 3-4
- Object Type
- Transfer of ownership
- price
- 709 万日元
- Price per ping
- 3.74 万日元
- Lease term/ground rent (per month)
- – / –
- Deposit/Security Deposit
- – / –
- Remark
※1 在申请出售时,请仔细阅读当局网站上的“可立即购买的物件”,在了解内容后申请。
※2 本物件接受房地产经纪人的买卖一般中介申请。
- Land Area
- 625.04m2(189.1 坪)(实测)
- Private road burden area
- –
- Urban Plan
- Urbanized area
- Area of use
- 工业
- Building coverage rate
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Land
- Residential area
- Conditions, etc.
- –
- status quo
- space
- deliver
- Negotiation
Contact information for consultation on state-owned property
- consult
关于【物件编号:第 1 回ー105】的咨询,请联系东北财务局管财部统括国有财产管理官 3,电话:022-224-5671,地址:宫城县仙台市青叶区本町 3-3-1 仙台合同厅舍 B 栋 7 楼,URL:https://lfb.mof.go.jp/tohoku/b5_kanzai/index.html
Past sales
- 1st time
- 813 万日元(2022.05.27 未成交)
- 2nd time
- 813 万日元(2022.10.14 结束)
- 3rd time
- 717 万日元(2023.05.25 未成交)
- 4th
- 717 万日元(2023.10.13 结束)
- No. 5
- 709 万日元(2024.05.24 未成交)