;Open Apple Maps to view the exact location of the project>>;
Special Sale ()
- Jurisdictional Court
- Gifu District Court Main Office
- Case Number
- 令和 04 年(ケ)第 16 号 (令和 04 年(ヌ)第 6 号)
- Selling base price
- 2,370,000 日元
- Purchase application margin amount
- 474,000 日元
- Available price
- 1,896,000 日元
Property Overview
- location
- 岐阜县关市东田原字仲屋敷 629 番 2
- Evaluate traffic
长良川铁道 关富冈站 东南方 3.1km(道路距离)
岐阜巴士 关中央病院前站 东南方 2.6km(道路距离) - Land Area
- 4,084.71m² (1,235.6 坪)
- Land Type
- Residential land
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Property Number
- 2, 11, 13. 土地 (有出售外物业)
- 3〜4. 土地 (农业用地)
- 5. 土地 (农业用地·有出售外物业)
- 12, 14. 土地
Property Details
- Property Number
- 2
- category
There are properties for sale - location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 629 番 2
- Land Type (Registration)
- Residential land
- Land area (registered)
- 94.01m² (28.4 坪)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Property Number
- 3
- category
- Land (agricultural land)
- location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 629 番 8
- Land Type (Registration)
- field
- Land area (registered)
- 662m² (200.3 坪)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Property Number
- 4
- category
- Land (agricultural land)
- location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 630 番 1
- Land Type (Registration)
- field
- Land type (current status)
- Partial hybrid land
- Land area (registered)
- 1,540m² (465.8 坪)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Property Number
- 5
- category
Land (agricultural land)
There are properties for sale - location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 631 番 3
- Land Type (Registration)
- field
- Land type (current status)
- 部分住宅用地
- Land area (registered)
- 1,051m² (317.9 坪)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Property Number
- 11
- category
There are properties for sale - location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 629 番 4
- Land Type (Registration)
- Residential land
- Land area (registered)
- 243.66m² (73.7 坪)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Property Number
- 12
- category
- land
- location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 631 番 1
- Land Type (Registration)
- Residential land
- Land area (registered)
- 297.52m² (90.0 坪)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Land use status
- space
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Property Number
- 13
- category
There are properties for sale - location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 631 番 4
- Land Type (Registration)
- Residential land
- Land area (registered)
- 140.52m² (42.5 ping)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Property Number
- 14
- category
- land
- location
- 关市东田原字仲屋敷 629 番 10
- Land Type (Registration)
- Public roads
- Land area (registered)
- 56m² (16.9 ping)
- Use area
- No designated area in the urban planning area
- Building coverage
- 60%
- Floor Area Ratio
- 200%
- Bidding Qualifications
- 关于农地和采草放牧地的购买申请,仅限于拥有都道府县知事或农业委员会等颁发的购买资格证明的人。此外,当这些人成为最高出价购买申请人等时,必须在出售决定日期之前向执行法院提交都道府县知事等颁发的许可证明文件或申报受理证明文件。关于购买资格证明的获取等,请向该农地等所在的都道府县事务所或农业委员会等咨询。
- Precautions
Sale schedule
- Special sale browsing start date
- November 20, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Special sale period
- Only on December 24, 2024 (Tuesday)
- state
- Browse
- schedule
- Annual sales schedule/Gifu District Court Main Office
Past listings
- 1st time
- 480 万日元 (2023.09.19 未出售)
- 2nd time
- 480 万日元 (2023.10.24 未出售)
- 3rd time
- 337 万日元 (2024.03.19 未出售)
- 4th
- 337 万日元 (2024.04.23 未出售)
- No. 5
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